I am a Japanese nerd who loves Vocaloid songs.
I often listen to many Vocaloid music.
Those who create Vocaloid songs are called “Vocaloid Producer (Japanese: ボカロP)”.
In this article, I want to share my favorite Vocaloid producers.
1. n-buna
n-buna has been creating Vocaloid songs for a long time since he was young.
He is a member of the group “Yorushika”.
Also, he provides some other group with music.
Let’s see his famous work.
“Yoake To Hotaru”
“Yoake To Hotaru” is a song composed by n-buna, sang by Hatsune Miku.
This one is composed by n-buna and self-covered by n-buna.
His talent reaches not only creating songs but also singing.
The title of the song is in Japanese “Yoake To Hotaru (夜明けと蛍)”.
Yoake (夜明け) means “dawn”
To(と)means “and”
Hotaru (蛍) means “lightning bug”
2. Orangestar
Orangestar is a Japanese talented Vocaloid Producer.
He has been creating music but stopped creating music in 2017.
He left Japan to visit South California in the U.S. in order to participate in religious-related activities.
At the end of 2019, he came back to Japan and restarted music activity again.
This one is one of the most well-known works created by Orangestar.
Not to mention his talented melody line, the lyrics are amazing and cheerful.
His artist name “Orangestar” is a kind of pun.
“Orangestar” is 「みかん星」in Japanese, which pronunciation is same as 「未完成 (uncompleted)」.
3. DECO*27
DECO*27 (pronunciation is like “deco nii na” in Japanese) is one of the most popular Vocaloid Producer.
His Youtube Channel has 552K subscribers now (2/18/2020).
One of his popular songs is shown bellow.
“Mousou Kanshou Daishou Renmei”
The title “Mousou Kanshou Daishou Renmei (妄想感傷代償連盟)” means “Delusion Sensation Compensation Federation”.
His choices of words are amazing.
4. Pusu
Pusu is a 25 years old Japanese Vocaloid Producer.
He was uploading his music to his channel named “Pusu”.
Now he is belonging to the group “Tsuyu”, so his channel name has changed.
“Asagao no Chiru Koro ni”
The title means “When the Morning-glory withers”.
The above one is sung by Hatsune Miku, but the bellow one is sung by Rei, who is a member of Tsuyu.
5. Ayase
Now Ayase is a member of the group YOASOBI
“Ghost City Tokyo”
The above one is sung by Hatsune Miku, but the bellow one is self-covered by Ayase.
Why is every Vocaloid Producer good at singing!?
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I am an illustrator drawing cute girls.
All my artworks are uploaded to my Twitter account @nomoneytanaka
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